
Boot Camp Fit - Descriptions, Why, Benefits

What's so special about Boot Camp Fitness?

Why Boot Camp Fitness?
In Boot Camp we use metabolic conditioning. That means we use an exercise training formula that increases or improves your ability to burn fat long after the workout is done. It also means that you burn more calories during your workout (than if you were to do steady-state exercise.)
Also, as a Boot Camp Fitness participant you have more accountability. You'll get regular text & Facebook updates and encouragement. The group you join will expect you to show up for each class, and they'll cheer at all your successes.

What is Boot Camp Fitness?
The exercises consist of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) that will tax your cardiovascular system as well as your muscular system. You will be asked to go harder, longer and faster than you are comfortable going. You will be asked to lift harder, longer and heavier than you are comfortable lifting.

What is Boot Camp Fitness not?
However, this is NOT an all or nothing class! This is not a finish at all costs class!
This is a class where you are asked to finish well. That means you listen to your body. You take breaks and rest when you need it. You do not listen to the timer or to me if one of us is asking you to continue, but you need a break.

HIIT Rationale
All of the research for many years has pointed to HIIT as the MOST effective and efficient way to burn fat faster. Plus, only when you train with weights will you cause your body to lose weight AND gain muscle. A more muscular body has a higher metabolism than a fatter one, so you want muscle. (Diet alone, and cardio plus diet alone will cause you to lose muscle.)

“Fat Loss”
Masterpiece Fitness Training, LLC is not “about” losing fat. We exist to help people (by teaching effective exercise) live life with more energy and zest for the things they are called to do. A healthier body is more willing and able to do more for the benefit of others.

Any comments about “losing fat” are because the reality is that the obesity rate has hit epidemic proportions. It is the cause of most of our current health issues. Anyone who is over fat is not as healthy as he/she would be as a leaner person. Losing fat is the most effective way to live healthy and it is almost always completely under the person's control.